We were honored to hold a youth work shop on climate change in Iganga district at the Hunger Project Epic center with the presence of the local leadership where we first an in-depth understanding the climate issues in the country and particularly focus group discussions on the climate challenges in the district including the solutions and the limitations to the solutions
We made an intoducation of Community led development as the best means for the young people to meaningfully contribute to addressing climate change. They also held another groups session where the developed action they could take in the community to adress climate change and health
In the last session, we had an integration of the VCA Methodology as a tool to support. Community led development and with the guidance of the district and local leadership of Iganga the youth came up with a Vision, Commitment and Actions to which the hope to change their community by 2025 to improve their environment, Health and wellbeing
We donated about 100 fruit trees to the community some of which were offered to the district officals, the youth who attended and some were planted in the Epic center Garden.